Napkinisms is here!

📖 5 x 8; paperback; 180 pages; full color
🤪 Fun, encouragement, and ridiculousness for the whole family!


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Fun, encouragement, and ridiculousness for the whole family...


A look inside đź‘€

Billy never intended for the messages he wrote to his kids every day to be anything other than a silly way to make a small connection.

As a writer, he always thought the books he spent hours, weeks, months, and years writing would be his legacy.

Little did he know that "Napkinisms" would...

📲 Go viral on social media

🎙️ Make their way into TED talks and speeches

🏫 Find a place in schools, businesses, hospitals, and more

💥 Become the most influential "writing" he had ever done...

Over the past few years, we have heard countless stories of impact as people are realizing the potential they have to lean into their warm-hearted impulses and make small investments in others.

Now, Napkinisms are available in a book for you and the people you care about to enjoy.

We can't wait to see how you will engage as you begin to believe:

You don’t have to do world-changing things to change the world. Just do your thing, and the world will be changed!


What others are (probably) saying about Napkinisms...

“The most entertaining and insightful book ever written about paper towels…”

— Some Guy, probably

“Billy Ivey is the funniest guy he has ever met...”

— Most People, most likely

“This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.”

— Billy's best friend

“Dad, are you OK?”

— Billy's children


So, what'll it be? 

How many do you want?