Since launching the Napkinisms platform, I've had the opportunity to share our story with thousands of individuals — from businesses to professional organizations; student groups to churches; large-scale conferences to small conference room gatherings.

For pricing information or to inquire about bringing the message of "Influence, Storytelling, and the Power of a Napkin" to your next event, please fill out the form below. 

(Also available for online engagements.)



Billy Ivey is an author, award-winning copywriter, and brand strategist with more than 25 years experience working on accounts like Chick-fil-A, The Home Depot, Major League Baseball, and hundreds of other local, regional, and national brands.

Billy lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his super-hot wife, Bethany, and their five better-than-average-looking children.

(He wrote this bio, by the way. If you could make sure Bethany sees it somehow, he’d sure appreciate the help.)

Each morning before his kids catch the school bus, Billy packs their lunches and places a hand- written note next to the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bruised bananas, and juice boxes.

Big deal, right?

Well, a few years ago, Billy began posting his lunch notes to social media, and they went viral.

Then, he and his Napkinisms partnered with the Chick-fil-A Foundation in Atlanta to provide more than 3,000 lunches and inspiring messages to children in need in the first year!

Now, hundreds of thousands of people have seen and shared “Napkinisms" throughout the world, and Billy recently partnered with Children’s of Alabama to share a smile with the hospital’s patients and their families seven days a week!

The Power of a Napkin is Billy’s story of doing small things to make a big difference in the lives of others.



"I knew immediately he’d be perfect to speak at our annual banquet. He didn’t disappoint! Many of those who’ve attended for years said that Billy was the best speaker we’ve ever had."

Garland Stansell, Chief Communications Officer, Children's Hospital of Alabama

"Billy came and spoke to a group of kids and their fathers recently and we could not have been more impressed. He is able to combine humor, engagement, & words of wisdom to captivate an audience of adults and children alike."

Hiram Lewis, ALL PRO DADS

"Billy brought a creative energy and thoughtfulness to our group that was as inspiring as it was fun. He engaged the audience to push themselves, and showed everyone how even a few little words can create enormous change."

American Advertising Federation, Memphis, Tennessee

"Billy’s talk to our organization was simply amazing. By sharing his story and how his Napkinisms have touched people on a personal level, he communicated how we all can make a change in the world and an impact in the lives of others. Our membership loved the talk!"

Jennifer Berthelot - Marketing Director, Louisiana Economic Development

"We were so fortunate to have Billy speak at our annual awards ceremony. With a gift of storytelling and humor, Billy was able to capture the hearts of those in attendance, inspiring us all to be better and do better for the sake of others, one napkin at a time!"

Brooke Hemphill, President, Arab Chamber of Commerce